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Employee Commissions

VisionProPOS allow you to define customized commission structure for your employees. Given below are some of the commission features:

Commission Features:

  • Sale Commission: Define commission Percentage based on Invoice Sale Amount or Gross Profit Amount

  • Brand Commission: Define different commission percentage for selected brands. With this feature you can define that your employee will get different commission for different brands or Frames, Lens, Contact Lens, Accessories etc.

  • Spiff: Define a spiff commission amount along with sale or brand commission. The spiff amounts can be defined as a percental on retail amount or a fixed amount for inidividual inventory item.

  • Location Based: Commission structures can defined for a selected location or for all locations.

  • Commission Report: VisionPro produce a detailed commission report which can also be filtered based on Employee, Location, Date Range along with Invoice status.


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